Give 'em hell Pike! » Posts for tag 'idiocy'

Synthia: “a new, entirely artificial life form created in a laboratory”. Is it fuck.

Today superbly illustrates the idiocy and herd-like mentality of the media. Take these two opening paragraphs from the BBC’s story on Synthia, Craig Venter’s new baby:

Scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first synthetic living cell.

The researchers constructed a bacterium’s “genetic software” and transplanted it into a host cell. 

Note how the second para contradicts the first? The world’s media, as one, doesn’t seem to have spotted this. Makes you proud dunnit? Read more »

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Onward ninja nutters

I can’t really be arsed commenting on this absurd stunt pulled by West Yorks police – to send a couple of WPCs out in niqabs. It’s just ridiculous, an afront to everything you might have thought was reasonable, rational, progressive and even effective. Improving community relations? Not in this community pal. IE, the madness is par for the course in this increasingly stupid stupid country. But… Read more »

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