Give 'em hell Pike! » Posts for tag 'fascism'

I see a darkness

I’m worried this morning. Firstly because I got blazing drunk last night and probably made a tit of myself at a blistering gig by the excellent Butterfly Jam. So I’m lying here horribly hungover and mildly embarrassed. Oh, and the other worry is that we’re entering a period of global fascism. Read more »

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Sunny Hundal really is a twat

I was going to list the symptoms of swine flu I’ve been suffering this week. Being ill is fascinating – a tussle between the fragility of life, and the body’s surprising robustness. But just when I was reeling from the third full-sized crap in under an hour (hurrah, my body is working again!) along comes Sunny Hundal’s spectacularly misnomered Liberal Conspiracy with something even more stomach churning… Read more »

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“It is necessary to destroy democracy in order to save it”

Gotta love the stupidity of Labour, their puppies in the media and their tame cops. A rag tag wannabe army, the EDL, have popped up from nowhere with a simple message and a simple strategy – makes some noise in the right places – and the State apparantly falls apart…. Read more »

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The revolution will not be televised

Well, it’s about time I started writing again. During my recent hiatus the world has continued going to hell in a handcart, and I can’t imagine this is a coincidence. Sure, I spray venom around on CommentIsFree and elsewhere, but blind fury isn’t enough – it’s time the world learned to fear my name. Read more »

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